As an infantry Army Officer serving my country for a continuous tour of duty of six (6) years, I was a living witness that such condition was not the end result of having experienced a cruel war. For if this reason is to be taken into consideration, we can readily conclude that all Soldiers assigned in war zone has a war shock.
Opposite of bravery, war shock is the result of a failure by any soldier to overcome the fear of death.
The basic manifestation of fear is, when at the first burst of gun fire, the Soldier just hide and tremble not firing his gun. The most fatal one is when he goes out of his mind for he will stand up & open fire recklessly. You are lucky if you are not in front of him for at that stage he can no longer distinguished the enemy from an ally. A simple flash back of any previous encounter with the enemy can trigger his uncontrollable behavior.
In short, if you are a soldier with a war shock, you are the previous coward who can now shoot hastily at anybody with or without provocation.
To all the Soldiers in the battlefield, I am talking by experienced, I know it's hard out there.
Luke 12:5 But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!
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